9th grade: Erika Bell, Megan Carder, Caiden Garlock, Isaiah Gibson, Maggie Jordan, Thomas Koh, Emily McMurry, Maddie Oakley, Aiden Ok, Ava Patel, Cameron Ridenour, Evan Rinesmith
10th grade: Shashank Chanamolu, Kelly Cooper, Dean Dunlap, Ribka Eyob, Daniel Koh, Rose Kottapalli, Rylie Lamb, Alex McGuire, Andrew McKenzie, Salah Mohammed, Lena Parsley
11th grade: Ben Bullock, Scottie Burden, Kaleigh Clark, Abbi Cole, Kyra Desantiago, Sage Ebling, Kayla Frost, James Harbur, Boston Howard, Connor Latham, Chelsea Manuel, Lauren Niesen, Niel Ok, Carter Owens, Alora Patel, Taylor Shema, Christopher Snider, Haylee Wurm
12th grade: Justin Altenbach, Peyton Andrews, Delaney Brinkman, Dakota Brittain, Natalie Burgess, Evan Clayton, Lily Cleaves, Hailee Conrad, Keaton Cooper, Luke Cowan, Kaitlyn Curl, Delaney Dawson, Cara DeBrosse, Nica Delgado, Jake Fraser, Addie Hilden, Kennedy Jensen, Spencer Knott, Cole Lewis, Jacob Miller, Taylor Morris, Colin Pasion, Grace Paton, Elyse Perez, Ashlen Peters-Wills, Kaitlyn Phillips, Karlyn Rex, Mariah Richardson, Bri Ridenour, Zoe Smith, Aaron Stirn, Kaelan Swallow, Perri Webb, Audrey Wheeler, Tyler Windau, Damian Zaha
9th grade: Caleb Bacome, Tate Bender, Aaron Beraki, Mackenzie Brickner, Ben Caprilla, Rachel Clymer, Evan Conley, Marcus Crawford, AJ Croft, Carder Daily, Addison DuGranrut, Lucas Dunahay, Gage Edwards, Sophie Faddis, Dash Faulkner, Jack Fischbach, Seth Gilbert, Bella Halbisen, Gannon King, Marley Loescher, Wyatt Mallett, Logan Market, Jaxson McPheron, Grace Meyer, Kamryn Morris, Maddox Morrison, Lilyana Nunnery, Lourie Rigali, Omar Salem, Zoe Schaub, Noah Scheid, Allesiah Schiffler, Trinity Schumacher, Antoine Shears, Noah Sims, Malee Southibounnorath, Talin Stewart, Tyla Stiggers, Matthew Stiles, Joel Stirn, Emma Stump, Cole Sunderland, Lucy Wiltsie
10th grade: Cale Adams, Sean Alexander, Chloie Bennett, Eric Bockey, Mason Burgess, Carter Cleaves, Kaley Cotrell, Abigail Cover, Jenova DeBrosse, Hunter Drury, Elizabeth Dunlap, Madison Extine, Carson Frost, Seth Grieshop, Emma Hartzler, Jesse Hensley, Evan Jackson, Gabby Jones, Zachary Jordan, Seven Lane, Kasey LaRue, Vanessa Latimer, James Leppla, Ethan Lewis, Addison Maxwell, Perry Meredith, Payten Metzger, Olivia Miller, Isabella Moore, Brandy Neu, Gracie Nickolson, Adebowale Olujimi, Ethan Parlapiano, Lucia Pasion, Keeley Perez, Joey Perkins, Aiden Poland, Evan Reidenbach, Adam Rigali, Ethan Ruff, Ethan Sargent, Olivia Shenouda, Riley Smith, Rocky Stallone, Adelay Stover, Amelia Vega-Ortiz, Lily Vondrell, Cole Whetstone, Annabell Winegardner, Brynn Woods
11th grade: Orinayo Akomolafe, Elliot Beerline, Jordan Bodine, Thomas Cover, Madeleine Finch, Courtney Glick, Champ Keysor, Logan King, Kaden Kohlrieser, Zachary Kurland, Han Lin, Jazmin Loaiza Ordonez, Alexa Lyons, Cole Marshall, Dylan Martino, Garrett McLay, Keerthi Merugu, Wyatt Morgan, Zachary Noonan, Charli Pohlman, Mason Reed, Emma Rumbaugh, Ava Schaaf, Leah Shawver, Christopher Snider, Mason Stahl, Chase Sunderland, Kyra Vermillion, Logan Vorhees, Xining Wang, Jaden Wheeler, Alaina Williams, Keegan Wilson, Aaron Zheng
12th grade: Matthew Azzarello, Nicholas Bean, Alayna Brown, Evan Bunke, Marissa Daley, Rachel Duncan, Ashley Eitmontas, Alivia Fritchie, Kaylee Grant, Garrett Hicks, Kayla Johnson, Kyler Lampton, Layne LaRue, Collin McGue, Peyton Meredith, Payton Modschiedler, Tessa Mulcahy, Mia Rosas, Gabriel Rutter, Aiden Schimpf, Brooklyn Snider, Dylan Spainhower, Tessa Stahler, Madison Stayonovich, Carson Stewart, Taylor Stumbaugh
9th grade: Joshua Adams, Anthony Black, Noah Bowsher, Sydney Burris, Pauly Caris, Makenna Daley, Alayna Evans, Layla Extine, Ileana Garcia, Marten Guetersloh, Reese Hefner, Savannah Hohe, Gabe Jamison, Alex Karapondo, Joseph Kutka, Madison McClure, Caleb Miller, Coda Miller, Lara Mollette, Gracie Monday, Kenidee Morgan, Caleb Mosier, Ayodamola Ojo, Samara Penager, Indie Reinicke, Lea Rudasill, Cooper Rummel, Benjamin Rutter, Isabella Salem, Bree Sawmiller, Daniel Schiel, Halley Shirk, Ezekiel Thompson
10th grade: Brodie Barbian, Emma Bowsher, Elijah Bucher, Gabe Burke, Chloe Cleaves, Karina Delgado, Kael Dodson, Caity Eitmontas, Grace Freiberger, McKenzie Green, Paige Harris, Kayda Hawkins, Kaylin Huber, Danielle Jones, Cohen Lampton, Madison Lang, Malik Mays, Brandon Miller, Olivia Miller, Mia Molina, Katie Morrisey, Chloe Nance, Matthew Owen, Blake Reaman, Samantha Smith, Cady Steele, Noah Swallow, Katerina Walden, Anabelle Washam, Jayna Zeltner
11th grade: Has Albano-Seitz, Chase Avery, Adelyn Bowers, Alton Clayton, Mac Davis, Christian Duran, Jordan Frazier, Toby Freiberger, Matteo Fusillo, Chloe Gemlick, Jonathan Grylls, Calahan Hall, Dale Hempfling, Kelly Holmes, Addison Kirchenbauer-Roney, DJ Kriegel, Austin Miller, Mckenna Miller, Austin Rosebeck, Abigail Runneals, Collin Scheid, Jazmyn Scott, Lillyanna Shipley, Zander Sutter, Jack Tenwalde, Taylor White
12th grade: Myles Aldrich, Anthony Best, Luke Brogee, Noah Daniels, Ethan Delgado, Austin Fisher, Ellie Hahn, Seth Jordan, Avery Keysor, Aimee Kloeppel, Liam Nance, Connor Neidemire, Tevin Newell, Tommy Spyker, Caleb Steidl, Kayla Thompson, Diana Venegas, Riley Weber
Please click on the link below to view the SHS end-of-school year newsletter for important information about the final days of the 21-22 school year. Have a great summer!
As a result of an unresolvable scheduling conflict effecting several students, we have decided to start our Spring High School Choir Concert 30 minutes later than originally scheduled to ensure that all choir members would be able to fully participate in the performance.
The Spring High School Choir Concert will begin at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, May 18.
With the end of the school year rapidly approaching, we wish to update you regarding High School final exams and the lunch schedule. Please see the final exam schedule below, which outlines the exams that will be given for each grade.
Senior exams for periods 2, 4 and 6 periods starting at 7:35 a.m.
Last day of regular classes for 9th, 10th & 11th grades.
Last day for the cafeteria to serve breakfast and lunch.
Buses will run as normal.
7:35 - 8:50 a.m. - 1st period exam
9:00 - 10:15 a.m. - 3rd period exam
10:25 - 11:40 a.m. - 5th period exam
1:15 - 2:30 p.m. - 7th period exam
LUNCH BREAK - Students will have an open lunch schedule. They may leave campus for lunch, bring their own packed lunch to eat in the cafeteria, or order a sack lunch from the cafeteria. The sack lunch from the cafeteria will consist of a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, fruit and vegetable sides, and a white milk. Accommodations can be made for any student that has a peanut allergy. Students that wish to have a sack lunch provided by the cafeteria will need to indicate that on the order form that they will fill out during their May 11th Connections class.
Buses will run as normal.
Fri., June 3 - 9th, 10th & 11th GRADE EXAMS
7:35 - 8:50 a.m. - 2nd period exam
9:00 - 10:15 a.m. - 4th period exam
10:25 - 11:40 a.m. - 6th period exam
1:15 - 2:30 p.m. - Make-Up Exams
No school lunches will be available. Any students that will be staying through lunch will need to bring their own packed lunch to eat in the cafeteria.
Buses will run as normal.
Seniors will be attending graduation rehearsal at the Civic Center from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. on Friday, June 3. They will not be permitted in the building on June 3 during exam time.
The Math EOC Tests for Foundational, Regular and Advanced Algebra and Geometry students will take place on Thursday, April 21. Students who are testing must report to school by 7:35 am and will be done with testing by 10:30 am. Students who are not testing will be on a 3 Hour Delay and should report by 10:30 am. THE BUSES WILL RUN ON A NORMAL DAILY SCHEDULE. Those non-testing students who must ride the bus to school should report directly to the East Cafeteria and will remain there until 10:30 am. At the conclusion of the test, the entire student body will run on a 3 Hour Delay schedule for the remainder of the day. Remember to bring your Chromebook FULLY CHARGED for the tests.
APRIL 2022 HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER - Please click on the link to view important dates and information in the April H.S. Newsletter.
The Social Studies and Biology EOC Tests for 9th-12th grade Regular & Advanced Biology, Government, U.S. Studies (not Pre-AP), and AP U.S. History students will take place tomorrow, April 5. Students who are testing must report to school by 7:35 am and will be done with testing by 10:30 am. Most 12th grade students will be on a 3 Hour Delay and should report by 10:30 am. THE BUSES WILL RUN ON A NORMAL DAILY SCHEDULE. Those non-testing students who must ride the bus to school should report directly to the East Cafeteria and will remain there until 10:30 am. At the conclusion of the test, the entire student body will run on a 3 Hour Delay schedule for the remainder of the day. Remember to bring your Chromebook FULLY CHARGED for the tests.
EOC TESTS TUE., APRIL 5 - 9th-12th grade Regular & Advanced Biology, Government, U.S. Studies (not Pre-AP), and AP U.S. History students report for testing by 7:35 am, and will be done with testing at 10:30 am. Most 12th grade students will have a 3-hour delay that day and should report by 10:30 am. Classes for all students will run on a 3-hour delay schedule for the remainder of the day. Buses will run at regular time. Students who must ride the bus to school will report directly to the East Cafeteria, and wait there until the 3-hour testing delay is over at 10:30 am.
Parents & Students traveling to Washington, DC: June 8 - 13, 2022:
This is what you should be receiving from WorldStrides in the mail. Feel free to use these forms if you can print them at home.
Medical Release form: These are mandatory for each participant (student and adult). Return Medical Release Form to Caroline O'Brien @ the Middle School by April 29. Please attach a copy of each participants insurance card (front/back) with a paper clip (no staple or tape).
Student Code of Conduct and Adult Code of Conduct: All students along with their parents complete this and return to Caroline O'Brien @ the Middle School by April 29. Adults traveling are not required to fill out a form for behavior, but should be aware of the Adult Code of Conduct expectations.
Roommate Selection Form: Roommate guidelines are listed at the top of the page; the template instructs students to pick up to three of their traveling friends with whom they prefer to room. Ultimately, the Program Leader (me) creates the final room list. Easy Tips for selecting roommates: Please call other students to verify that they would like to room with you and if they are still traveling. We have had some cancellations in the past week. If all 4 roommate-student papers match when turned in, you will more than likely get put in a room together. Please DO NOT mark someone else's name without having a discussion with them first and to confirm they are still traveling.
PARENTS & STUDENTS TRAVELING - Room List is due to Caroline O'Brien @ the Middle School by April 7, 2022.
PARENTS & STUDENTS TRAVELING - Your Medical Form is due to Caroline O'Brien @ the Middle School by April 29, 2022.
STUDENT - Behavior Contract is due to Caroline O'Brien @ the Middle School by April 29, 2022.
Please also refer to the attached COVID Testing required prior to departure. Results will need to be submitted to Caroline O'Brien @ the Middle School by JUNE 6 or JUNE 7.
We will have a final trip meeting in the evening @ the Middle School, 2 weeks prior to departure.
Caroline O'Brien:
10th GRADE ELA-EOC TEST PART 2 will take place TOMORROW, March 22 and will begin at 7:35am. 10th graders - remember to take home your chromebooks and charge them tonight. 9th, 11th and 12th grades will be on a 2 Hour Delay. The buses will run on a NORMAL DAILY SCHEDULE. Those non-testing students who must ride the bus to school should report directly to the East Cafeteria and will remain there until 9:30am. At the conclusion of the test the entire student body will run on a 2 Hour Delay schedule.
10th grade reports for testing by 7:35 am, and will be done with testing at 9:30 am. Grades 9, 11 and 12 will have a 2-hour delay that day and should report by 9:30 am. Classes for all students will run on a 2-hour delay schedule for the remainder of the day. Busses will run at regular time. Students who must ride the bus to school will report directly to the East Cafeteria, and wait there until the 2-hour delay is over at 9:30 am.
Please click on the link below to view important dates and information in the March H.S. Newsletter
11th Grade ACT Test and 10th Grade EOC-ELA Test on Tuesday, March 15. No School for 9th and 12th Grades. Please see the attached testing schedule graph for details about this test day and other upcoming tests this spring.
Here's information on an upcoming College Fair at Apollo Career Center.
Please click on the link below to view the February High School Newsletter for important dates and information - thank you!
Shawnee Community, let's unite as rivals to support Stormy and her family!
COLLEGE CREDIT PLUS/CREDIT FLEX MEETING SCHEDULED FOR WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26 HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Information about CCP/Credit Flex and scheduling for the 2022-23 school year can be found by clicking on the link below and viewing the CCP Informational Video in the Scheduling Newsletter, or by going to the H.S. Guidance webpage.
Please click on the link below to view the Scheduling Newsletter for the 2022-23 school year. Directions for the scheduling process and informational videos for each grade level can be viewed prior to students entering their course requests on Wednesday, February 2, 2022.
Please read this important information about the ending of the second quarter/first semester. I will be delaying the mailing of grade cards due to the high number of incomplete assignments related to illnesses/absences. Please view Progress Book online with your child to see if they have missing work related to COVID or any other illness/absence. By delaying the mailing of grade cards, it is my hope that many of our students will take the responsibility to complete missing work or tests/quizzes by this week or early next week. ALL incomplete assignments must meet the deadline of January 28th by 2:36 pm or the grade will become an “F” per our student handbook language. All ATHLETES must have their incomplete assignments completed by January 24th at 2:36 pm to meet eligibility requirements.
Thank you for your understanding and please call me if you have further questions at (419) 998-8128. I hope all of you stay healthy and best wishes in 2022.
COVID-19 Guidance Documents have been posted to our website. Please visit our News page for more information: