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Cora Basinger

Cora is such a hard worker! She strives to do her best in the classroom every day. She has done a fabulous job of adapting to fifth grade and to middle school. She regularly takes ownership of her school work and demonstrates resilience. We are proud of you, Cora!

- Cora Basinger- 5th Grade

Jason Chukeuma-Eze

Jason is self-motivated, takes ownership of his learning, and always aims to exceed expectations. He demonstrates passion for learning and strives to achieve his best in all areas. He is attentive in class and asks insightful questions. His respect for teachers and peers.

- Jason Chukwuma-Eze - 5th Grade

Isabella Morgan

Isabella has transitioned into middle school beautifully! She stays organized, goes above and beyond in her efforts, and is kind and helpful to her peers. She is a terrific example of what a 5th grader should be! Isabella deserves to be recognized for her hard work.

- Isabella Morgan- 5th Grade

Andrew Graff

Shawnee Middle School is lucky to have Andrew Graff as a member of the sixth grade team! Andrew is polite to both his peers and the staff at SMS. He demonstrates the qualities of a strong student leader: hardworking, responsible, empathetic and kind.

- Andrew Graff - 6th Grade

Lane Weber

Lane Weber is a young man who is always helpful. He takes initiative to engage in the classroom setting and help others as needed. He takes ownership of his words and actions by working hard and staying positive. Lane is a huge asset in the classroom every day! Great work

- Lane Weber- 6th Grade

Helena Winter

Helena demonstrates all of the positives we want to see in our middle schoolers. At school, Helena always helps her classmates when they need it. She is very polite and hard working, which is why she excels in the classroom. The teachers can count on her.

- Helena Winter- 6th Grade

Aleric Bradley

Aleric is a kind and hardworking student. He comes to class on time with his materials. He is a positive role model in the classroom and wants to do all academic work to the best of his ability. He takes ownership of his learning by not being afraid to ask questions.

- Aleric Bradley- 7th Grade

Leah Kaufman

Leah is very attentive in class and respectful to all adults and peers. She has a fun sense of humor and smiles often. Leah gets along well with all types of people. She shows resilience in difficult classes and always tries her best. Thank you for your hard work daily,

- Leah Kaufman - 7th Grade

Abby Kreider

Abby is a hard worker who always takes ownership of her work. She is well mannered and a pleasure to have in class. She is one of the first to say hello when you see her and usually has a smile on her face. We are grateful to have Abby at SMS. Keep up the great work, Abby!

- Abby Kreider - 7th Grade

Owen Gloyd

Owen has been an asset in his 8th grade classes. He is kind and courteous to his teachers and fellow students. Owen works hard in and out of school and shows responsibility on a daily basis. He is friendly in the halls and a good friend to others. We are proud of you, Owen!

- Owen Gloyd - 8th Grade

Courtlyn Hilden

Courtlyn is known to jump in and help whenever the need arises. She helps teachers with classroom set up and students who need a friend. She takes ownership of her school work and initiative when needed. She demonstrates resilience when things do not go her way.

- Courtlyn Hilden - 8th Grade

Claire Pachlhofer

Claire is doing a great job in her classes so far this year. Being new in the 8th grade can be difficult. Claire seems to be handling it very well demonstrating resilience. She has shown initiative by learning the new school routine and rules and her teachers’ expectations.

- Claire Pachlhofer - 8th Grade