Monday, September 26, 2022

Thoughts for the week: Beware of a half-truth - you may get a hold of the wrong half. 

Our second MayDaze contest results are in. For the Banner contest, the Sophomores received the most votes for the best banner followed by the Seniors in 2nd place, Juniors in a close 3rd place and Freshmen in 4th place. The current overall standings sit at: Seniors in first with 1,800 points, Sophomores in 2nd with 1,400 points and the Juniors and Freshmen tied for 3rd with 1,200 points.

There will be a meeting for the Chief Newspaper staff this Wednesday, September 28th, after school in Mrs. Kuhlman's room to discuss the next issue. New members are always welcome. If you have questions, please see Addie Kirchenbauer- Roney, Sam Smith, or Mrs. Kuhlman.

Juniors and Seniors interested in attending one of the upcoming college conferences should sign up in the guidance office. 

NHS tutoring is held in the GIC after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

After school math is available every Thursday in Mrs. Keller’s room.