ESSER 2021-2022 Information

ESSER stands for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief.

In general terms, ESSER includes three rounds:

ESSER I ($194,405.37)
ESSER III (also known as ARP - American Rescue Plan - ESSER;

ESSER I ā€“ During FY21, these funds were primarily used to purchase cleaning supplies for the sanitization of the schools, PPE for staff and students, and educational technology.

  • Cleaning supplies and PPE approx. cost - $55,000.

  • Educational technology approx. cost - $112,000

ESSER II - These funds were spent in FY21 and are currently being used in FY22 to continue the employment of key staff members. Additionally, educational technology has been purchased.

  • Staff members include school nurse, nurse aides, permanent subs, bus drivers, tutors, intervention specialists (teachers to assist students who have fallen behind) and technology personnel - approx. cost $585,000

  • PD and Athletic services - approx. cost $57,000

  • Educational technology approx. cost - $180,000

ESSER III ā€“ These funds will be used for the following: 20% spent on learning losses (per the requirement), technology, tutors, providing mental health services, continuation of key staff members, and other necessary activities to maintain the operations and continuity of service. These funds will be used across FY22, FY23, and FY24.

  • Staff members include school nurse, nurse aides, permanent subs, tutors, intervention specialists (teachers to assist students who have fallen behind) and technology personnel - approx. cost $1,236,000

  • Educational technology approx. cost - $615,000